Vernissage | Xuan-Lynn Wang

Tuesday 08/11 from 19:00

Xuanlynn Wang (b.1994. TW)

is a multidisciplinary artist who blends printing, photographs, material, and performing to practice and tackles the potency of symbiotic relations between human beings and their natural surroundings. During her fashion design studies, she realized that there was more waste being created from art than what was actually being used in the final product. Therefore, she was deeply inspired by the essential aesthetics of environmental art which aroused her experimentation with the concept of natural material. She endeavors to question the beauty behind the organic nature world and search for the meaning of what the natural environment brings to her. Using the physical body as a representation of our direct connection to the natural environment and the materials found in nature as a medium for art. A symbiosis of the individual, the natural environment, and the self needs to express ourselves through artistic creations.

Posted in Art